ENXOVAL - time and space of resistance
AS BRAVAS - women stories that inspire us
Due to the concealment of the female names that contributed to the historical, political, and civil achievements, we are gathering reports of real-life heroines, who inspire us and whom we want to inscribe in our collective memory, throughout the project.
This collection is made, not only with groups and partners, but through Bordado Coletivo [Collective Embroidery]. This is a device that has occupied several public spaces and invites people to embroider something inspired by their Brava. All these stories are creating a narrative web, and some are illustrated in fanzine format, as part of the collection "The Bravas".

Collective Actions, March 8th
ENXOVAL has marked 8th of March as the symbolic day of the feminist struggle and actions of political participation will be held on this date: poster workshops and participation in the demonstrations. In 2021, during lockdown, a video manifesto was produced at distance, by an intergenerational and multiterritorial group, occupying virtual public spaces #SomosTodxsBravas
ARCA's - action groups, reflection, and artistic creation
Located between Porto and Amarante/Marão, these groups are the basis of collective creation of ENXOVAL and are distinguished by the generations they represent, as well as by the characteristics of the territory where they are based in and by the socio-economic context in which they are located. In these spaces, we discuss, reflect and create on the basis of the feminine heritage and of issues related to equality and gender stereotypes, thereby opening spaces for freedom and inspiring the will for change.
Artistic direction and coordination: Inês Lapa and Maria João Mota
Support for artistic creation: Janne Schröder
Dramaturgical creation: Sara Barros Leitão
Scenography / Art Direction: Sandra Neves
Illustration and Graphic Design: Clara Não
Photography: Paulo Pimenta
Video: Alexandra Côrte-Real
Evaluation: Francisca Pais / Institute of Sociology of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto
Partners: Comissão para a Igualdade de Género; Instituto de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto; Junta de Freguesia do Bonfim; Câmara Municipal de Amarante; CLAP - Centro Local de Animação e Promoção Rural, Cer Porto; Norte vida; Qualificar para Incluir; Benéfica e Previdente; Associação o Meu Lugar no Mundo; Lar Nossa Senhora do Livramento; Associação de Solidariedade Social Senhor do Bonfim; CLDS 4G REDES - Reativar e Empoderar Dinâmicas e Espaços Sociais, promovido pela Associação Fios e Desafios; Unidades Operacionais de Intervenção com Crianças e Jovens e de Pessoas em Situação de Violência de Género e Doméstica da Rede Social da Câmara Muncipal do Porto
Co-financing: República Portuguesa – Cultura / DGArtes; Iniciativa PARTIS – Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian; Câmara Municipal de Amarante