AS BRAVAS: Um manifesto (Sound walk)
Sound and performative journey along a feminine cartography, in an ephemeral occupation Fof public space, where everyday struggles become visible. The arrival point is an immersive installation (ARCA), which crosses territories and generations, through a sound and visual archive that proposes the construction of a new Enxoval. The connecting thread between the course and the installation is a Manifesto, written by several hands, which unveils invisibilities and cries out for urgent changes:
So listen to us carefully
We are many, brave and plural
We will continue together in the fight
Until we are free and equal!
Collective creation framed within the project ENXOVAL – Tempo e Espaço de Resistência, which since 2019 explores the themes of gender equality through artistic practices, crossing community groups from Porto and Amarante.
Creation and Interpretation: Alexandra Mendes, Alice Gomes, Ana Miranda, Ângela Ribeiro, Angelina Leite, António Lopes, António Pereira, Aurora Mendes, Beatriz Costa, Catarina Vaz, Conceição Costa, Daniela Ramos, Elisa Fonseca, Emília Ferreira, Emílio da Costa, Fátima Machado, Gina Nogueira, Iara Lino, Inês Dinis, Isaura Morais, João Carvalho, João Maia, João Pina, Lucelina Rosa, Luísa Bezerra, Mafalda Lourenço, Marco Gomes, Maria da Assunção Mendes, Maria da Glória Ribeiro, Maria da Graça Mendes, Maria das Dores Teixeira, Maria de Fátima Azevedo, Maria Ferreira, Maria Ribeiro, Mariana Eugénio, Marília Paredes, Natacha Gomes, Nuno Mendes, Teresa Carvalho, Vitória Babo, Wilma Ranito, Zita Oliveira e Rhythms of Resistance
Artistic direction: Inês Lapa, Janne Schröder and Maria João Mota
Sound Compositions: Inês Lapa
Art direction: Sandra Neves
Photography: Paulo Pimenta
Video: Alexandra Côrte-Real
Production Direction: Carina Moutinho
Production Assistant: Inês Soares Lopes
Sound mixing: Ricardo Carvalho
Evaluation: Francisca Pais – Institute of Sociology of the Universitydo Porto
Support to the groups: Cristiana Matias, Daniela Corceiro, Gonçalo Tato Joana Flores, Joana Martins, Raquel Melo
Funding: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation / PARTIS – Artistic Practices for Social Inclusion
Support: Amarante City Council CLAP – Local Rural Promotion and Animation Center Parish Council of Bonfim Wings of Ramalde Project Sinergias 7G – Arrimo Cooperative Ars Longa Vita Brevis Gallery
Duration: 120 min
The sound walk is presented at Mexe on September 19th. The beginning at 17h00, 17h30 e 18h00.
Subscriptions www.mexe.org.pt.