azevedo (art instalation at mexe festival)
A plural city is a place that welcomes the flows, the exchanges and the contacts between multiple communities. It is a regenerative space that summons humans and more than humans to a debate around paths, transgression and imagination, in order to (re)define other ontologies and possible cartographies. More-than-human thinking helps to reformulate how the city can be conceived, beyond the current human-centered perspective, so that it can be designed, governed and lived as a biodiverse and ecocentric place. This intervention, as part of a larger action, explores the convergence between political action and ecology, and its potential to reposition a profound reflection on alternative patterns of being, doing and living in neighborhoods.
Artistic Direction: Fernando Almeida and Rodrigo Malvar
Production Direction: Carina Moutinho
Artistic team: Bruno Boaro, Carina Moutinho, Inês Carneiro, Janne Schröder, João Miguel Ferreira, Lucelina Rosa, Sérgio Couto e Simão Rodrigues
Neighbors: Arlindo Pereira, Elvira Magalhães, Idália Rosalita, Juliana Pereira, Manuel Fernandes, Manuel, Maria José, Maria José Pereira, Laurinda Rocha Magalhães, and Rosa Mota